Posted in Blessings of Habit, Homemaking, Photos, Wives

Super Smart How-To…


  1. Break free from slavery to the exact moment the dryer stops…
  2. Make clothing last longer, and stay cleaner longer, and be easier to clean next time…
  3. Save money and the environment…
  4. Keep your husband looking super all day long…
  5. Keep your wall from disintegrating due to spray starch overspray…

It’s just not so difficult. REALLY. You CAN do this!

Half load of laundry to be starched.
Half load of laundry to be starched.

First: Place clean clothing to be starched in washing machine and fill half full with warm water. This can be more clothing than you would normally add to a half load of wash, because we will not be trying to get clean, and concentrated is good. You may have to use the wash cycle to achieve warm water, but do so only until it sloshes, then shut it off until you finish the remaining steps.

Prepare starch water by bringing it to a boil.
Prepare starch water by bringing it to a boil.

Second: Bring a couple of quarts of water to a full boil.

Add one half-cup of starch to two cups of water and stir.
Add one half-cup of cornstarch to two cups of water and stir.

Third: Add one half-cup of cornstarch to two cups of water and stir until well-mixed and lump-free. “Lump Free” is important. Turn off heat under boiling water and slowly add starch mixture to boiled water, while stirring a lot. Keep stirring until it turns from white to a “cloudy-clear” color.

Rinse cycle for starch
Rinse cycle for starch

Fourth:ย Pour contents of the pan onto the surface of the wash water and set for the last rinse cycle of the “gentle spin” choice. By using the last rinse cycle, you can close the lid and walk away from it, knowing it will not automatically do anything more to this load. By choosing “gentle spin” you keep more starch inside the clothing and not going down the drain.

Dry, starched shirts, ready to iron!
Dry, starched shirts, ready to iron!

Fifth: Hang clothing to dry. Once dry, dampen slightly and iron. Don’t worry; at first the clothing will be stiff as a board, but as you iron, it will soften to just exactly perfect. You will SO love this!



Katharine is a writer, speaker, women's counselor, and professional mom. Happily married over 50 years to the same gorgeous guy. She loves cooking amazing homegrown food, celebrating grandbabies, her golden-egg-laying hennies, and watching old movies with popcorn. Her writing appears at Medium, Arkansas Women Bloggers, Contently, The Testimony Train, Taste Arkansas, Only in Arkansas, and in several professional magazines and one anthology.

6 thoughts on “Super Smart How-To…

  1. A great discovery. Enjoyed reading about starch – but no more for me…just wash, dry, hang and ready to wear; iron if I must. Grown lazy in retirement.
    God bless.

    1. Oh, I know what you mean! However I just love ironing and love the look of the lovely row of ironed shirts hanging in the closet. Can’t help it. I’m that way about a mowed yard, too, and a weeded garden. Just love the look of it. And the way my hubs looks when he’s ready to leave, all ironed and professional-looking is just a great motivator for me. ๐Ÿ˜‰
      I guess I’m old fashioned, but I like the look of industry! Probably way out of style with today’s kids, but I don’t care. ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. You are a lovely person, I so enjoy your thoughts on life. I am afraid to think what the world will be like when next generations are running the asylum.

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