Posted in Believe it or not!, Good ol' days, Home School, Inspiring, Who's the mom here?, Wisdom

The Last of the Unsupported Homeschoolers

Growing old in home school!We were homeschoolers when homeschool wasn’t cool.

We had no support because there was no such thing as a homeschool support group.

We started about the same time as Home School Legal Defense Association started, but they and we did not know about each other, so we also had no legal support.

Internet was only a child, then, and had not maximized its potential to help homeschoolers. Computers had no practical applications in home schools.

All, all the curriculum available to us was published for collective schools and some publishers refused to sell to home educators.

Back in these very good, old days, only the driven, committed, principled, loyal, persevering, stubborn, maverick, determined, motivated, obsessed, dedicated, devoted, steadfast, unswerving, faithful, home educating parents survived. We had somewhat of a reputation for being a pain, especially among status-quo legislators.

Many of us could relate to the Washington/Jefferson/Adams triumvirate, always questioned by those around us and always questioning ourselves, testing ourselves, proving ourselves.

Always hunted and attacked by the government that claimed to protect us.

Always in semi-hiding.

Always ready with an escape plan.

Always losing money on this project.

Always making do with do-by-self.

We faced obstacles, penalties, hindrances, impediments, barriers, hurdles, deterrents, limitations, and interference.

We were hated.

We were arrested.

I guess it’s the American way.

Now that home educating is the bright star that it has become, and we have retired after a quarter century of it, people want our opinions.

  • What curriculum do I think is best? Pick one you like and get busy.
  • What is my child’s learning style? Lazy and stubborn. What about yours?
  • Do I homeschool during summer? All parents homeschool at all times.
  • Do I think you’re harming your child? Probably, but better you, than someone who doesn’t care.
  • What do I do about socialization? I talk to my child; I teach my child; I read to my child.
  • What about computers? Teach your children to read, spell, write legibly, and type, and to love English, first, in that order. No computers allowed until high school and no Internet until the last half of the senior year.

Does all that sound harsh to you?

Does it sound grumpy?

You will not get a marshmallow answer from a homeschool-callused person.

We did not plant our homeschool garden with a tractor, but with a shovel and a hoe.

We did not have curriculum choice unless we wrote the curriculum, so we did.

I beg you, for your own and your children’s sakes, pick one you like and get busy.


Katharine is a writer, speaker, women's counselor, and professional mom. Happily married over 50 years to the same gorgeous guy. She loves cooking amazing homegrown food, celebrating grandbabies, her golden-egg-laying hennies, and watching old movies with popcorn. Her writing appears at Medium, Arkansas Women Bloggers, Contently, The Testimony Train, Taste Arkansas, Only in Arkansas, and in several professional magazines and one anthology.

8 thoughts on “The Last of the Unsupported Homeschoolers

    1. Leah!
      Thanks for your kind words! What a blessing to know those who follow are guarding what others won! I truly rejoice when I see new ones rising and stepping into place, making improvements, steadying that rocking boat. The ones-to-come were one reason we did it all.

  1. We have all benefitted from your path-blazing.

    I disagree about no computers until high-school, but respect you for being so blunt with your opinions. Sometimes it is nice to know where people stand without all of the dancing around.

    1. Thanks for visiting and commenting, Sheryl! And WELCOME to Home’s Cool! 🙂

      You are totally not alone in disagreeing about computers saved until high school, but after much research into the importance of handwriting in building self-expression skill, and into the damage done to the ability to connect, caused by computers, I stick with my old-fashioned notions. 😀

      And I know there are exceptions for the many disabled children, believe me.

      What I love is folks who respect and who disagree politely. I am open to “discussion, not cussin'”. Ha!

      May your day go well for you. ❤

  2. Thanks for sharing your perspective! Homeschooling is something I have considered, but I must admit, it is a daunting prospect. I like the advice to pick something and get going. I am a researcher and I will research and research and research until I am worn out and end up “just picking” anyway because of research fatigue. Of course, due diligence is important, but you have to settle on something at some point!

    1. Oh, Julianne! I hope this post did not add more “daunting” to your decision! WELCOME to Home’s Cool! And I hope you are reading replies!
      There is a series of posts on this site that can really help you find the right type of curriculum for your child, your home, and you. I truly hope you check it out, because it will give you an amazing sense of sureness!
      It is a five-page series that explains who each type of curriculum is perfect for. You need it! 😀 And it begins here:

      Note: Although the introduction is aimed and the mom who is looking to change curriculum, all the information fits just as well for someone just starting out. 🙂

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