Posted in Inspiring, Who's the mom here?

What would your mother do? Fix things!

What can one mom even do to make a difference?

We moms need to know this.

Starting a short series here, today, about all the huge little things moms do. It’s not a contest, but let’s all tell about our memories of those little things that mean so much, that only moms know how to do best. ❤

[Unidentified girl in dress holding American f...
[Unidentified girl in dress holding American flag and ball] (LOC) (Photo credit: The Library of Congress)
So here’s mine, for today: I was tiny, but I remember the dress so vividly. My mom was shocked I ever remembered it because she said I was only two years at the time. I do remember it, though. It was my favorite dress. Why I loved it so, I am not sure. It was brown plaid, which I like a lot, to this day. It had ruffly lace and puffy sleeves. I don’t know, really, what it was.

But I loved it.

This was back in the days before perma-press, back when little girls always wore dresses, even at play. Always.

And froze our little bare legs off in winter, in case you wondered.

Anyway, I loved me a dress.

Then one day the horrible happened. I spilled my milk on my favorite dress. I was devastated. I could not begin to understand much of anything, yet, but I knew I did not like the way my favorite dress looked, now. So I did what any red-blooded American two-year-old would do.

I cried.

My mom couldn’t understand, and asked me what was wrong. When I told her about the spill, I remember what she did.

She got down, sort of sitting on her heels, at face-to-face level with me, and told me it was okay, that she could wash the dress and it would be fine again.

Those of you who’ve read here a long time, know what happened next. And you know what good it did. The rest of you can read the links. Have fun!

And share with us your story: What did you mess up, in your childhood, that your mom knew how to fix? Aren’t moms great!

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Katharine is a writer, speaker, women's counselor, and professional mom. Happily married over 50 years to the same gorgeous guy. She loves cooking amazing homegrown food, celebrating grandbabies, her golden-egg-laying hennies, and watching old movies with popcorn. Her writing appears at Medium, Arkansas Women Bloggers, Contently, The Testimony Train, Taste Arkansas, Only in Arkansas, and in several professional magazines and one anthology.

7 thoughts on “What would your mother do? Fix things!

  1. Katharine, what a great way to honor our moms. From the time I was old enough to remember my Mom always made my special clothes…the Sunday ones. And when it came time for evening dresses in high school she made those too. Even my prom dress. And every one of them were drop-dead-gorgeous!

    But I remember a comment I made one morning that must have stabbed her heart, “When am I going to be able to have something store-bought?” She didn’t respond. But down through the years it’s now my heart that feels the stab for such a hurtful, selfish, thoughtless, remark. “Sorry, Mom. What I’d give to have one of your beautiful designs of love today.”


    1. Thanks so much for this addition, DiAne! Your mom definitely did fix things. A mom’s gentle touch can fix even a grumpy child’s heart. I know your mom’s did.
      We owe them so much more than we realize! We each have different personalities, and have been handed different lives to walk in. I almost never was allowed to go to any formal functions, and on the rare occasions that I could go, I had to make the dress myself. They were of very simple pattern!
      It’s amazing, to me, how universal God’s truth is, though, how just a bit of contentment and thankfulness can make so much improvement, right? 😀

    1. Thanks for the compliment, Talya, and WELCOME to Home’s Cool!
      Oh, I know that feeling of “Mom’s here–it’ll be okay…” Although my mom is no longer around to dispense it, what a great thing when a mom can do that! So glad you stopped by and you visit again, y’hear! 🙂

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