Posted in Home School, Inspiring, Pre-schoolers, Who's the mom here?, Wisdom

Why Do People Put Their Children in Schools? Part – 2 – The Solution

Reasons for being at homeChildren need to be in homes.

Arresting thought, isn’t it.

If there exists any type of divine design, then for argument’s sake, we must think that children were put into homes for a reason.

But even those who cannot swallow the idea of a God must consider why all creatures seem to have evolved to higher and higher plains while passing through a home- or family-type stage, and the higher the plain, the longer the prerequisite familial stage, with homo-sapiens needing a family for the longest time of all.

It is worth a thought.

Many who have given it a thought have withdrawn their children from the bedlam outside the home. Then—surprise!—their children begin auto-correcting their psyches, learning more, retaining more, doing more with it, and growing up to be more productive.

I am not making this up. It is heavily-researched scientific fact that no thinking person should ignore, especially if that person cares about children, about the state of his country, or about the future at all.

And before we continue, we must define a home: a set of parents who function adequately, with each other and with their children, as mom and dad. To use a broken, dysfunctional, or abusive home as a reason for schools is as fair as using a broken, dysfunctional, or abusive school as a reason for home schools.

But bad schools are not the reason to homeschool.

CHILDREN are the reason to homeschool.

If you have them, you should.

Today’s children are being destroyed in schools. They were not made to be in schools and do not thrive there. They are tormented daily, growing warped personalities we see depicted in the worst national headlines.

And they’re not allowed to pray

Putting children into a school is asking them to pass the socializing test before ever receiving any instruction, correction,or reinforcements about HOW to socialize. They encounter children even less trained than they are, with no chance of escape from this zoo.

Sink-or-swim is often a great way to drown a kid.

The typical classroom is sink-or-swim. When drowning, it is natural for the inexperienced to attempt survival by pushing down on other swimmers.

Just natural.

Empathy is the natural product of a home education. Each older child who cherishes the home’s newest infant later has patience with that same child doing wrong, cares if that sibling falls down, laughs with—not at—that little one.

Resilience is another natural product of a home education. Encouraging, even requiring social resilience, leads to practice in resilience. The old “get back on the horse” motto prevails and in time, becomes instilled. As the child matures, he develops the ability to keep going, no matter what, if only someone has taught him how.

Confidence is another natural product of a home education, and it is born of hope. A child who is dumped at the door of an antagonistic, institutionalized experience has no hope. A child who has a mommy who will keep everyone on a good social plane while they learn, just because she loves them, has hope and learns confidence.

Tomorrow, part 3 about how to fix the schools. See ya’!


Katharine is a writer, speaker, women's counselor, and professional mom. Happily married over 50 years to the same gorgeous guy. She loves cooking amazing homegrown food, celebrating grandbabies, her golden-egg-laying hennies, and watching old movies with popcorn. Her writing appears at Medium, Arkansas Women Bloggers, Contently, The Testimony Train, Taste Arkansas, Only in Arkansas, and in several professional magazines and one anthology.

4 thoughts on “Why Do People Put Their Children in Schools? Part – 2 – The Solution

  1. I quit teaching and starting homeschooling my 4 children this year. You are correct. They have auto-corrected many of their behaviors that we found unacceptable. Surprisingly, for 4 children together 24 hours a day, they actually quit the sibling fights and irritating each other so much. There is a place for schools though. I’m sure you saw the kids like I saw for whom school was the only thing they had in life. Home was such a horrible place that I became their school mom or their teacher was the only one who said anything encouraging to them. I do agree though. There is bad in the schools and it seems to be concentrated during those hours of 8 to 3!

    1. Oh, thanks so much, brave Mom, for the positive response!

      The reason they correct their behaviors once they come home is that they were nervous and in a constant competition at school. It took mine about 2 weeks to amaze me with the fact that when the social fight stopped, almost all the sibling fighting stopped, too. Just amazing.

      Yes, yes, yes, there are children living in bad homes for whom an institution is their only respite. And I do give thanks to God that some teachers care enough to take these kids under the wing and be the only connection they presently have to sanity. HOWEVER, these poor children do not need a school. NO. A school is like a bandaid on a cancer. What these children need is a new home or someone to fix the current home. To accomplish this, though, Social Services would have to stop hunting down homeschoolers, I think. Too understaffed, I think.

      I do agree with you that there is a place for the schools–the original intent when we first devised public schools was to get the populace all speaking one language and voting intelligently. Is that happening? If not, then the place for the schools is in the past.

      Thanks, again, for visiting and for commenting! Hope to hear more from you, soon!

      1. So right, but unfortunately our social ills are so prevalent! NCLB is a huge issue right now with schools and what is expected of students. We are dumbing down America! I love homeschooling my children and intend to keep it up until they are all ready to be finished with “school” learning.

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